Sam Roberts' Show Rundown 2/27/14

-Sam starts the show talking about the filth that he has been living in, as he's been alone in his apartment for 4 days.  He and Adrian discuss the concept of a "lay day."
-Comedian Mark Normand stops in and talks about his time in the middle east, going to a brothel, and the dress on twitter.
-Natasha Leggero joins the show, and talks to Sam and Mark about the upcoming Justin Bieber roast.  
-Natasha gives her side of the Bobby Lee/Ari Shaffir beat down story.
-Sam talks to Nicole Ryan about The Slap, and her ridiculous S&M attempt.
-Katie Linendoll joins the show and talks about her time at the National UFO convention in Arizona.
-Will Forte stops by and talks to Sam about his new show, Last Man on Earth.
